Haiku Stairs - Hawaii

by - março 31, 2020

Hawaii has one of the most incredible landscapes in the world, with all that fire and ocean tales and myths, and the Haiku stairs are just one more of that incredible thing this island offer us. This can be found on the Oahu island, Hawaii and is possibly the greatest attraction on the entire island. 3,922 stairs lead up the imposing mountain ridge, often at a vertical incline, with only a handrail to catch you from falling into the valley below.

They were initially built with wood, in 1942, by the navy US force to allow the installation of a military radio to  communicate with pacific ship. The city of Honolulu spent almost a million dollars repairing the stairs and was considering re-opening it in 2002 but have been resident complaints and safety concerns so the stairs closed to public. 

Well... Some people sometimes go there and risk their life to see the amazing view, but the Hawaii police has been watching this case very carefully and if you're caught the fine can be up to 1000$ (so it's better not xD)
How to visit:
The legal way:
The only way to avoid confusion is to go by the Moanalua track. Pick a day with good weather, and make sure you have some crampons and plenty of water with you because it will not be easy, but a lifetime experience :)
Here you have some tours with guides if you don't want to do it alone:

Happy journeys in Hawaii!!

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