Flamingo Beach - Aruba

by - abril 07, 2020


I'm an animalhoolic, so, if you say "Let's go to an elephant santuary", "let's dive with no poison jellyfishes", "let's bird watch for one day", "let's go to a beach with flamingos". Hell yeah!

This flamingo beach is located on the Renaissance Island in Aruba (for those who don't know, It's in central america) and gave a popular reputation to this small country. When you're visiting, please do not chase them. Let them go to you! I'll explain you how later hihi.

How to visit:
The place you want to see the famous flamingos is the Renaissance Island, a privately owned island by Renaissance Aruba Resort in Oranjestad. Guests of the Renaissance Aruba Resort have free access to the island, but you can buy a day pass for $125 and visit the island as a non-guest (They only sell 20 tickets per day). I would suggest to be 2 days here in the resort. If you're spending so much money... At least you stay in a great resort.
The only way to get to Renaissance Island is by boat. The boat leaves from the lobby of the hotel every 15 minutes, so it’s impossible not to spot it. The island is open from 7 am to 6 pm.
There is a small vending machine that sells food for the flamingos. The machine takes only US quarters. It’s much easier to tempt the flamingos with food on your hand, but if you arrive too late, they might simply ignore you. And don't forget thei're living animals, so you have to show some respect.
Some of you are asking.. Is it worthy so much money for this? Well, it deppends of what you want and who you are. My Grandmother's favorite animals are flamingos, so yes, I would totally do this because it makes me remember of her :) And when I'll be a millionaire she will come here with me ahah and we will just lay 1 week on the beach resort drinking caipirinhas and giving food to this cute animais!! :)
A link to book the hotel:
The link to buy the day pass:

Happy journeys in Aruba!

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