Mount Yasur - Vanuatu

by - abril 04, 2020


Mount Yasur is an active volcano in Tanna Island, located in the Vanuatu country (islands in the Pacific). Yes, you don't need to go to Hawaii to see this kind of things!

Mount Yasur lies at 361 m (1,184ft) above sea-level and has a nearly circular dome summit of 400m in diameter, and it has been erupting for several hundred years continuously, and now it erupts several times in one hour! But don't worry, if you go on a guided tour you'll be safe. Why is on my bucket list? Well, who doesn't want to see explosions of lava in the air going out an active volcano? And Actually, I'm afraid of fire so it's good for me to do this kind of stuff.
How to visit:
There are daily flights (for 45 min) to and from Port Villa (capital)/Tanna island (where is the volcano).
 Despite its high activity, it’s relatively accessible, and the volcanic activity increases from May to September. In your guided tour you can choose many other activities at the mountain, including camping at the base of the volcano on the lava plain.
Actually you can choose the tour depending on what you want: the morning tour starts very early and there is not many tourists. During the day tours... well, you don't have that "sunrise or sunset thing". The sunset tours are really, really crowded. So I would suggest maybe the early morning, that would work for me. The tours start at 70-80 euro, but well, it's normal, you're in an island, right?

Check out this link for some tour options:

Happy journeys in Vanuatu!

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