Movies to Watch in this Quarantine - Travellers Inner-Journeys

by - abril 12, 2020

These are sad times for us, world travellers. Unfortunately, this corona virus situation is lefting us no choice but to stay at home, a beautiful way to express love for others, not spreading the virus for the weaker ones. But that doesn't mean we cannot dream, we cannot travel without leaving home! I watched many movies to write you this post, and picked up my top 5 favorite ones about travelling and self discover journeys to keep you entertained in your couch :)

Nr 5) Into the Wild (2008)

So, this movie is about a young guy who's just tired of all the society shit and decides to abandon his dysfunctional family, in a trip to Alaska with no money, no things, just his books and his writing. The people he discovers in the way somehow change him, and the journey itself is amazing. I know many people love this movie and IMDB likes it too, but this is the number 5 on my list because I think I didn't connect so much with the main character as I connected with the others in the other movies, since he does things I don't completely agree. But... you should see it anyway, it's a masterpiece.

Nr 4) Wild (2014)

This movie is about a woman that lost her mother and her grieving process was to get into drugs and to do sex with every man, so she completely ruined her marriage, the only thing that she loved and she still had. One day, she sees a book about the Pacific Crest Trail and she decides to do it in a way to find the beauty of life again, and mostly to forgive herself  and start to put her shit together finally. The trail is difficult, not many women do that, but, besides every rock she encounters, she manages herself to get to the end. Will she be able to find the meaning of her life? You have to watch it and see for yourself. 
The cinematic part of the movie is taken for a realism and more sexual way to explain things that I think It would be necessary, but besides that, It's a great movie if you find yourself in a self discovery journey as Cheryl.

Nr 3) Lion (2016)

This movie is not about a person getting into the wild to discover things inside, it's about an Indian child that lost his family because he got lost, was adopted by an Australian family and many years later, tried to find his real family against all odds. I loved this movie because of the cinematic part and the music, who did this should win an Oscar. Besides that, in the end there is a twist that breaks your heart, if this wouldn't happen, I would probably not like the movie so much. It's a real story and this feeling to see something so bad that really happened... It was magical.

Nr 2) Eat, Pray, Love (2010)

This is again the classic movie when the woman is tired of her life and travels to find something more meanful. But it's a very important movie for me... I connect 100% with the main character, since I passed trought all those feelings she's passing by. And I never saw the end of the movie, because I want to do my own end in my own life. 
Anyway, this is about a woman that doesn't have a great marriage, and goes to Italy to enjoy the best food, to India for a spiritual retreat, and to Bali, to "find love". Sometimes the movie is a little bit clichê but... I told you in my "About me" part that I love this kind of films xD

Nr 1) Tracks (2014) 

Ok... I was not expecting anything from this movie and it just... Blew my mind!! It's a real story about a young australian woman that, more than any other characters in the movies I presented, needed to connect with herself again, needed to forget the haunting memories that she was always having, needed to end her demons and her nightmares. So, she thought the best way doing that was to cross the painfull australian desert (from Alice Springs to the Indian Ocean) with only 4 camels and one dog. She had a little help from National Geographic, which told her story back then, but the things she has to pass and the way she always carry on her track... Well I cried the whole movie. That's why is my top 1. Please watch it, promiss you will not be disapointed! Sometimes the movie is a little stopped (not many action all the time) but if you like this kind of movies sure this is the perfect for you. I wish some day I can have half of the courage of this girl.

Hope you can enjoy your time in this quarantine with your family and your new movie watching list!

Stay safe, stay at home, and never loose hope! I will be here to cheer your day!! :)

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