Vinales Valley - Cuba

by - abril 09, 2020


This valley is located in Vinales, a small agricultural town in the Pinar del Rio province in Western Cuba, and it's one of the best things to see in this country, with it's green fields replected with rounded magote limestone hills, colonial houses with large porches and tobacco and coffee natural production. It's home for hidden caves and traditional farming communities still powered by oxen drawn carts. 

Besides this, you can see a planctation closely, how do they do tobacco and coffe (really interesting) and you have the "Mural de la Prehistoria", one of those places that is partly fascinating and partly just a little strange. In case you’re stumped by the name, Mural de la Prehistoria is a ginormous colourful mural depicting prehistoric scenes. It’s painted onto the rock wall, is over 100 metres long, and took 18 people four years to finish. Phew! Entry to Mural de la Prehistoria is 3 CUC including a drink. If that’s a little steep for a quick snap, there’s a viewpoint on the side of the road shortly before the main entrance where you can see the painting from a little further away.

How to visit:
You can go your own but I would suggest a day trip from Havana to here, this way you can see many things in a short amount of time. You also have like a Hop Off in Vinales Valley. You have so much options this way! Let me show you some of them:
It's also a great way to experience some of the nature part of Cuba, if you stay one night here in a retreat or a resort to rest and experience wild life more than Havana.

Happy journeys in Cuba!

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