Merzbacher Lake - Kyrgyzstan

by - maio 03, 2020


Kyrgyzstan (for those who don't know where is it, I don't blame you xD It's in central Asia) is already a beautiful place of mountains, nothingness, liberty and amazing lakes, and this is just one of the many the country has to offer. It was discovered by a german scientist in 1903 and it's not a big lake.

It stays in the heart of the Tien Shan mountains, and it's a geological oddity and a convenient stop-over for anyone trekking to the Inylchek glacier, on the way to the mighty peaks of Tengri Khan and Pik Pobeda. But it's not a common lake... no... Each year, between July and August, the lake, containing 129 million cubic meters of water, suddenly disappears completely for 2-3 days. And the filling begins with the melting of glaciers. There are many hypotheses about this phenomenon, but none of them has found its full confirmation!! That's a thing you see in veru«y few places in the world, that's what makes it so unique and misterious. That's why it should be on your bucketlist!
Even though the timing is quite predictable, unlike other vanishing lakes in Iceland, Switzerland and Greenland, few people have ever seen Merzbacher lake empty itself out because it is so remote (count on 4 days trekking minimum). According to one eyewitness account, it makes a hell of a lot of noise.

Even if you go in other times of the year, the scenery is beautiful enought to be seen. The high alpine regions around Merzbacher lake are a world unto themselves. You might see some avalanches coming down the mountain, or catch a few Golden Eagles nesting up there.

How to visit:
If you're going on your own, it's 4 days of trekking. The camping site close to the lake is called Merzbacher meadow.And, if you want to see the strange phenomenum of the lake disapearannce you have to go between July and August.

For the initiates, it's maybe easier to take a tour:

Happy journeys in Kyrgyzstan!

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