Ruvubu National Park - Burundi

by - maio 19, 2020

This is the largest National Park in Burundi, covering 508 Km2, and was set up in the year of 1980. It's located in the north eastern part of the country, and extends itself a little towards the border to Tanzania. It is easily accessed from Bujumbura city which is only 26km away in the town of Gitega (the 2nd largest city in the country).

Since the park is largely in the river valley, the habitat is made of swamp vegetation, riparian forest and savannah woodlands. The flood plain mainly comprises of papyrus swamps. The park gets its name from the Ruvubu River, which runs through it. The park is the last vestige of the natural grassland ecosystem which once covered the vast majority of the northeast part of Burundi. It's home to a number of wildlife species - hippopatamus, Nile crocodile, Cape buffalo, waterbuck, numerous duiker species, five primate species, including olive baboon, vervet monkey, red colobus monkey, blue monkey, and Senegal bushbaby, and there are more than 200 bird species here!! I'm so sad that this once covered a lot more area... But well, we humans are always destroying beauty...

How to visit: 
There are camping facilities for the visitors and tourist in the park giving chance to experience this unique habitat by the wild night, so if you're up to some African camping... count me in!! I know Burundi doesn't have much to see, I would go to Tanzania (settling my base there) and then discover the places around probably. You can go alone, of course, but remember this is not the safest place in the world.

Check this tours:

Happy journeys in Burundi!

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