The Dome of Light - Taiwan

by - maio 01, 2020


If for some reason your bucket list is full of the most beautiful metro stations in the world, this will be your favorite post xD Created by an italian artist called Narcissus Quagliate, the dome of light commemorates the harrowing birth of Taiwan's democracy, and it's located in the intersection of Kaohsiung's Red and Orange metro lines, in the Kaohsiung city (south of the country, far from the capitol). The dome is the world's largest public art installation made from individual pieces of colored glass!!

The Dome of Light took nearly four years to complete. The work was overseen personally by Quagliata and shipped from Germany for installation at the station. The dome tells the story of human life in four chronologically arranged themes: Water: The Womb of Life; Earth: Prosperity and Growth; Light: The Creative Spirit; and Fire: Destruction and Rebirth, with an overall message of love and tolerance. A really important thing in this country full of a violent history, but now one of the most recognizable democracies in Asia, along Japan and South Korea.

How to visit:

Take the THSR to Zuoying Station or TRA to Kaohsiung Station and transfer to Kaohsiung Metro toward Formosa Boulevard Station. The entry is free since it's a metro station and you help the environment by not using cars!!
This beautiful city also has many other things to see like the Love river and the tiger and dragon temples.

Here you have some tours about Kaohsiung:

Happy journeys in Taiwan!

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