The Kora Instrument

by - maio 09, 2020

The Kora is a string instrument used in West Africa. A kora typically has 21-strings which are played by plucking with the fingers, and combines features of the lute and a harp. 
The sound resembles a harp, though when played in the traditional style, it bears a closer resemblance to flamenco and Delta blues guitar techniques of both hands to pluck the strings in polyrhythmic patterns (using the remaining fingers to secure the instrument by holding the hand posts on either side of the strings). 
Kora players have traditionally come from jali families (also from the Mandinka nationalities) who are traditional historians, genealogists and storytellers who pass their skills on to their descendants. Some of the countries you can find it are Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso and the Gambia.

Today we welcome Josh Doughty to tell us more about this instrument:

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