Chefchaouen - Morocco

by - setembro 26, 2020

One of the most famous cities in the world for it's magic blue color!! Chefchaouen is much smaller than larger cities such as Tangier making it a popular stop for off the beaten path types of tourists, and also enjoys a reputation as being one of the safest cities in Morocco.

It was a safe haven for Jewish people fleeing Spain in the 1400s and again in the 1940s. The Jewish people came from Spain to Morocco and set up in the Rif mountains in Chefchaouen. At first, they were hiding from the Portuguese on the 15th Century, when it was built around a fortress used to defend inhabitants against Portuguese invaders. But later as you can guess it was Hitler. It was painted blue by the Jews. Some say it was because it was a reminder of their faith of the heavens and skies. Theories also suggest it keeps away mosquitos. Like other all blue cities in India, it's said the blue brings the desert temperature down.

How to visit:

You can wander around this instagramable city, visit the Spanish mosque, watch the sunrise and the sunset from a rooftop or on the top of the hills nearby. You can also go to some street markets that are famous in this country, and visit the Kasbah museum: an old Moroccan fort. This building has served many purposes through the ages, most notably a prison, and now it is an ethnographic museum and art gallery.

Chefchaouen is also very popular with those looking for a destination designed for backpackers not only because of its excellent northern location, but because there are many different cheap hostels and small cheap hotels.  

If you have time, I would suggest renting a car and going around morrocco, maybe spending 3 days here in order to see everything. You also can find tours from other main cities and even from Spain! I also have to mention this is a cat city so, if you love cats, make sure to go here cause there's plenty of them.

Happy journeys in Morrocco!

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