Hammam Debagh Hot Springs - Algeria

by - setembro 28, 2020


Algeria is one of the most underrated places in the world in my opinion. There, you can visit great cities, amazing unique landscapes and it's a mix of european colonialism, with arab and africa culture, a mix almost crazy as Egypt, the neighbour. Today we will talk about some cool hot springs.
Hamman Maskhoutine, is also called “bath of the damned” is a thermal complex and commune located in Hammam Debagh, of Guelma Province, Algeria. The dramatic, multicolored travertine walls of the spring have attracted thousands of visitors since the era of the Roman Empire. The bath facilities installed by the Romans at the spring can still be used today. 
The water is saturated with minerals such as iron and calcium carbonate. These minerals, as well as the heat, have been regarded as therapeutic for sufferers of ailments such as rheumatism and arthritis. Hammam Maskhoutine is actually a group of 10 different hot springs in a single valley. The temperature of the water in the springs can be as hot as 98 °C even can boil eggs in the outflow channels!! 
A sad story behind the Arabic names of this town when a loval legend in which a man married his sister. As the wedding procession, including the incestuous couple, moved up the valley, a curse caused the skies to darken, and the whole wedding party was struck with lightning and turned into stone. Thus, the billowing shapes of the Hammam Maskhoutine spring are believed to come from the still-frozen wedding party and their celebratory robes. In spite of this horrific story the area around Hammam Meskhoutine is peaceful, pastoral and green. These springs have been well known since the antiquity, thus around 6 km long distance along the right bank of Chédakha River are scattered numerous thermal springs.

How to visit:   
The best way to visit this is to spend a little time in Guelma city.
See here how will you go from Algier to Guelma:  
And if you prefer a tour:
Happy journeys in Algeria!

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