Painted Village of Čičmany - Slovakia

by - outubro 20, 2020

The first stop of the Slovakia tours from Bratislava is Čičmany a perfectly preserved hill village where the buildings are painted like white lace. They are surrounded by the mountains Strážovské vrchy and Malá Fatra in the southern part of the valley Rajecká dolina is famous for its original log houses with the typical white ornamentation. 
The tradition started around 200 years ago, when women in the village painted the patterns on with white lime to protect the damaged wood. These days, it’s done for decorative reasons and to keep the tradition alive. The best-preserved ones include the building of Radenov dom and the neighbouring Gregorov dom. 
Sadly, in 1921 a fire ran through the village destroying most of it, but due to it being such a historic village, with help from the government it was rebuilt and in 1977 it was made the world’s first folk architecture reserve! There’s a museum in the town which shows the history of Čičmany and puts on festivals, with folk dancing, music and outfits throughout the summer months.  

How to visit:
There’s not a lot to see or do in Čičmany during the summer, so if you’re planning on visiting then I’d recommend it with a stop at nearby Bojnice Castle which is only 45 minutes drive away. Though there’s some nice hikes around the area, or if you visit in winter then there’s the ski area of course. I’d definitely recommend hiring a car if you want to visit, and although it’s not impossible to visit via public transport only, there’s limited service to Čičmany. 
If you're looking for a tour, check this out: 
Happy journeys in Slovakia!

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