Lake Maracaibo - Venezuela

by - novembro 04, 2020

I know I know... Venezuela is probably one of the most dangerous countries in the world in therms of criminality. But if you're adventurous enought to go to this country you will want to witness this.
South America’s largest body of water, Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela, is the site of “the most frequent lightning in the world”. Spectacular storms are a crowd-pleaser, and apparently something people are prepared to pay to see. Lakeside fishing communities now welcome tourists who come on special trips from Mérida, a lively Andean town in the north-west of the country.
It had been a regular feature since a long time in history. The sky begins its dramatic display of earsplitting thunder and lightning after the sun sets over the Lake Maracaibo. Venezuela, the north easternmost country in South America, is noted for high altitude waterfalls, longest coastline and frequent thunderstorms. Thunder strikes are intense. Plus, they are unmatched by similar meteorological prodigy anywhere in the world!  Clouds gather over the lake without fail and storms start raging. The radiance of lightning is so bright that it is visible from 400 kilometers away... 28 strikes per second appear exactly at the same place on the same time every day. Isn't it a nature's wonder?
But why there are so many lightnings here? The lake water evaporates during the day, forming moist droplets which collide with icy cold mist settling down from the mountainside. Swift flow of wind triggers the collision, producing static electricity culminating in lightening and claps of thunder.  Nature’s whim or wrath – by whatever name you call it turns into a primary source for Catatumbo Lightning tours!

How to visit:
Since the entire adventure is centered on a remote habitat, you may find places not covered by Google maps.  You should be prepared for the rough and treacherous conditions.  Jungles are infested with mosquitoes and other insects, bites of which may not be pleasant.
Wet seasons are the best when the moisture content in atmosphere is the maximum. The season runs from May to November, the month of October draws highest tourist volume. If luck stays on your side, you may witness 26 streaks of lightning per minute!
The Bridge over Lake Maracaibo is something that you should not miss when visiting Lake Maracaibo. You should not forget to visit the Palafitos in Santa Rosa de Agua which is located up north of Maracaibo. The buildings which are constructed by native Venezuelans are made from wood. These buildings are impressively constructed on top of water.
For tours check this site par example:
Happy journeys in Venezuela!

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