Iceland Yurt - North Iceland

by - março 21, 2020

If you're looking for an unique experience surrounded by ice, appart from the civilization in a comfyness of a Mongolian Yurt heated by a wood stove and amazing tea, with the starry night and the northem lights shining only for you and your second half, well.. This is for you! 
The owners are Solla and Erwin, one of the best persons I knew in my life. They, alone, had this beautiful idea, and built their 3 tents with a passion for fulfilling their long life dream. 
In the morning we had an amazing Icelandic breakfast when we met their beautiful family and talked as if the world would end that day. 

Other amazing thing about this place: Solla has other tent called the Gaia Temple, where she does sound healing and sound meditation sessions for those who want it (and believe me, it was so good to be able to be with myself after all the "omg we have so little sun time" and "omg we have to hurry for our next city" things). 

In winter, just one tent is available so you have to think about booking it in advance :)

Accomodation type: Nature cabin house
Location: Akureyri - North Iceland
Medium price p/ night: 200€
Website: or
Behance Gallery: Here
Instagram Post: Here

- "It was delightful to have Érica and her friend stay with us here at Iceland Yurt.
Her fresh and joyful presence is uplifting and it was a pleasure to have them as our guests. We can highly recommend Érica."
By: Solla and Erwin at Iceland Yurt and the Gaia God/dess Temple Gaia hofið.

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