The Gate of Hell - Turkmenistan

by - março 28, 2020

The Gate of Hell or Darvasa Crater is a natural gas camp in Darvaz, in the Ahal province in Turkmenistan. This crater has been known for its non ending flame since 1971, fed by the rich natural gas deposits in  the area, freeing a strong sulfur smell that you can smell from really far away.
This crater was expanded by Russian scientists that believed that they could find oil there. They drilled the ground, but it broke and the crater opened, filled with toxic gas that spread and still killed people. Then, the scientists burned the gas and, since then, the fire never ended.

This place made a huge boost in the tourism economy of the desert, and it's totally on my bucket list because... I can't even imagine the feeling to be so close to hell on earth. But:
How to visit:
It has free entry, but this is a place for satanic rituals and mass suicides, so you have to be really careful if you want to visit, and I highly recommend a tour guide. There are a lot of different tours, as half day, full day or ever overnight desert camp.

Here's a link where you can find it:

Happy journeys in Turkmenistan!

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