Kaindy Lake - Kazakhstan

by - março 28, 2020

The Kaindy lake has 400 meters and it's situated in the Tian Shan mountains, 129 km from the city of Almaty. It was formed by an earthquake in 1911, forming a natural rain reserve above 2000 meters above sea level.

Its unique beauty has to do with the frozen trees inside that emerge from the water. This happens because this is one of the coldest lakes in the world, never passing the 6 degrees in summer.
Sometimes the water has a unique blue/green color caused by limestone and other mineral deposits, but its really transparent, and you can see the depths of the lake.

In winter, the above part of the lake is frozen and you can fish trout there, and dive in the frozen waters to see the frozen trees.

How to visit:
If you desire, you can camp there for a night if you have your own camp equipment. 
To stay just a few hours, you can hire a 4x4 taxi to drive you throughout the park. 
The entry fee to the national park is 1,50€ and the taxi drive usually costs like 2,50€. 

If you prefer a tour, you have many here, including the Kolsai Lakes too:

Happy journeys in Kazakhstan!

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