Blue Lake Grotto - Brazil

by - abril 03, 2020

Sorry, I love caves, so you'll be reading about many of them here ahah! Its estimate this one has 10 million years, but it was only discovered in 1924, being a tourist attraction only in this decade. Blue Lake Grotto is located 20 km from the center of Bonito, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, in Brazil. The city is famous for its waterfalls, natural sightseeing and beautiful unexplored caves, so make sure you stop by on your trip to Brazil!

But, where the blue color came from? An optical illusion due to the reflection of the sunlight with fossils from the ice age hidden inside and lots of stalactites and stalagmites: At the bottom of the lake of the cave rare species of aquatic animals less than 1cm long has been founded. They only live in subterranean environments without light, which is why they are blind and without pigment. Skeletons of animals that lived in the Pleistocene period (better known as the Ice Age), between 1 million and 10 thousand years ago, have also been found. Amongst the skeletons found, fossils of the 3 meter high giant sloth have been identified, as well as the saber-toothed cat.They are not visible to tourists, but the government doesn’t let anyone remove these fossils from the cave.

How to visit:
In the morning there are a couple of tours which take you down to the cave, you can always take a tour here from Bonito, or find a private guide in the town. The guided tours take maybe 1h30-2h. 

Anyway, here's some links:

Happy journeys in Brazil!
in the Brazilian town of Bonito, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul

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in the Brazilian town of Bonito, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul

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in the Brazilian town of Bonito, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul

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