Devil's pool - Zimbabwe

by - abril 05, 2020

Yes, Victoria Falls are something to wrap off your bucket list, but since you're there, why not to go to an infinity pool? After thousands of years of erosion, many rock pools have been formed, and one of them… right on the very edge! Devil’s Pool Victoria Falls is located in sub-Saharan Africa. It’s in the Zambezi River, along the Zambia-Zimbabwe border. It's a natural pool of water that’s situated on the top of the falls. 

Is it safe? It's a relatively safe experience. But it is not without some significant risks that adventure-seekers should be aware of: there is a rock lip that protrudes upward which keeps you from falling over the edge. Under the low water conditions that you’re permitted to enter Devil’s Pool, you would have to make a concerted effort to actually go up and over that rock that’s naturally keeping you in.

How to visit:
Before arriving at the actual pool where the falls are, you will have to swim a short distance across the Zambezi (no more than  5/10 minutes) from Livingston Island to the Devil’s Pool. The first part of the swim is against the current, while the second part is down current which makes it a bit easier. You will also be escorted by at least 2 guides whose main focus is to ensure that everyone is safe. If you're a weak swimmer, you have the option of walking across the river while holding hands with the guide in waist deep water. However, if you don't know how to swim at all I would not advise you participate in this activity at all. It's just not worth the risk.
It's not open year round, so if you're hoping to visit you'll have to time it according to the season. It typically opens from August to January when the water levels of the river are much less (making it safer to swim in the river). October and November tend to best within that time frame (I went in late November and it was incredible) and give you the best odds of the water levels being low. The pool is closed from February to June when the rains cause higher water levels that make swimming in the Zambezi unsafe.

There's no way you can go on your own, you'll need to book a tour. Here are some links:

Happy journeys in Zambia!

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