Viana Desert - Cape Verde

by - abril 06, 2020

Viana Desert is the continuous tongue of the Sahara desert, located in the Boa Vista island, in Cape Verde. It stretches for 1x5km extension, and it's made by the ocean winds that are always carrying enormous volumes of sand from the continent. The singular thing about this dessert is that it's located on an island, and the desert sands match perfectly with the few vegetation and some black volcanic rocks, giving it a "lunar landscape" feeling for those who wander there.

This small extension of the Sahara is protected by the Government of the country, which forbids the use of motorized vehicles and promotes the construction of stone walls to limit the movement of the sand dunes toward the coast.

How to visit:
There are a lot of ways you can go here, since Cape Verde has such a free spirit and a great tourism. You can rent a car (4x4), drive around the island and go or go in a tour. If you prefer, you can always ask the locals how to go with publi transportation and they will help you for sure, since Cape Verde people are one of the nicest in the world.
Don't forget to bring sungasses, sunscreen and a hat. You're in the desert!

Try to find a tour here:

Happy journeys in Cape Verde!

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