How to make your travels more eco-friendly

by - abril 27, 2020

This Corona Virus came not only to destroy our economy and our grandparents lives, but also to make us realize we have to change the way we treat our ecossystem. As we are seeing now, the animals are on the streets, the flowers are growing again, and the nature is taking a deep breath from mankind.This time you have in your home is a great way to connect with nature again and to start thinking on how do you want to paint the world with your carbon footprint from now on!!

Travel is not the ideal way to erase pollution because airplane travel is one of the most carbon emissors to the atmosphere, but we can make the way a little better with some tips:
  • Always try direct flights instead of lay overs cause there's less carbon emission to the atmosphere. If you can, choose other transport ways such as bus, train or even boat travel.
  • When you're in a walkable city, walk instead of taking a taxi. It's good for you and, if you cannot walk, rent a bike and do some exercise!
  • Pack Less - You don't need a 20kg bag for your 1 week holiday, you will not even wear so much clothes!! The less carg the airplane has, the less pollution it will make. It's proven in the cientist laws this actually happens.
  • Bring your own reusable water bottle and a textil shopping bag.
  • Use a bamboo toothbrush and try to wash your hair only 3/3 days instead 2/2 or even everyday: less plastic bottles of shampoo, and yes girls, it's possible if your hair gets used to it. When I was in Iceland I didn't had a bathroom shower everyday and I washed my hair 3/3 days, sometimes 4/4 days and my pics still look beautiful.
  • Be careful with wildlife encounters. Always go with tours that respect the ecossistem and the animals in it. Elephant rides, camel rides, lion encounters... not good at all!! The animals are not well treatned.Do some research before you pick a tour!!
  • Stay at eco-friendly accomodations and if you can afford it, always look for eco-friendly tours (normally tour companies with small groups are the most ecological ones).
  • Buy local souvenirs, and handmade ones - it boosts the local economy and saves the environment. My fridge magnets are always handmade ones and I can tell you I have the most beautiful magnets in the world!!
  • Install some eco-friendly apps:
    • Green Globe (best app to find the most eco friendly hotels and atractions in the world);
    • Olio (a food sharing app);
    • Locavore (an app that tells you where you can eat local);
    • Oroeco (see what is your carboon footprint to analyse where you can reduce it);
    • Spinlister (helps you to find a bike in your town destination);
    • CityMaps2Go (forget the printed maps and save some paper with this great app);
    • RefillMyBottle (shows you where is your closest spot to refill your water bottle safely, specially in Asia);
    • Giki (shopping eco friendly products);
    • Ecosia (research browser that donates their profit to plant trees);
    • My Little Plastic Footprint (helps you to see where you can reduce your plastic use).

Happy quarantine and hope from now one your travels can have less impact on our amazing earth!!

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