Lake Bogoria - Kenya

by - abril 26, 2020


You already know how I love flamingos for the Aruba post. So this will be just one more flamingo place I have to visit before I die!! It's also one of the least-visited lakes in the Rift Valley, that means it's my kind of place (with not many tourists!!)

Located 300 km from Nairobi, the main city in Kenya, it's the perfect place to do a day trip and enjoy some of the best wild nature the country has to offer. 
Here you can check some hotsprings and geysirs that gush out boiling liquids from the earth's core, and the lake is an important bird area, with its large populations of flamingo. Other species of interest recorded here include many Black necked Grebe, African Darter, White necked vulture and African Fish Eagle. You may also see some buffalos, zebras, cheetahs and baboons!!

How to visit:

First of all, if you're going to see the flamingos, you must go somewhere between june and february (and they gather in the western shore).
If driving, entrances are at Loboi in the north, to the west Maji Moto and from the south is Esmos. It takes around 3 hours to travel from Nairobi to Lake Bogoria.
By public means, matatus from Nakuru charge Ksh.250 to the main Loboi gate and it is about a 2-hour journey.
The lake has three campsites in the southern end. Bring your tent and supplies and camp at Fig Tree Campsite which has a natural jacuzzi!! Obviosly you can always stay in a hotel but then you miss all the fun ahah.
The entrance fee for the natural park depends on your nationality. Children pay less always. For a Kenya citizen is ksh 350, for an east african resident is ksh 600, for other person is 25$.

If you prefer just 1 day tour:
Just one more link for you to look for your favorite tour:

Happy journeys in Kenya!

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