Mount Pelée - Martinique

by - abril 10, 2020

Want to hike in a unique place in the Caribe? This post is for you! The highest point in Martinique at 1,397 metres above sea level, the Pelée mountain in the north of the island is a destination highly prized by hikers. This is actually an active volcano that erupted the last time in 1929. 

But this amazing natural place has some bad history... It produced a devastating eruption on 8 May 1902, reducing the town of Saint-Pierre to ashes and killing 30,000 in just a few minutes. This catastrophe has since lent its name to an unpredictable and violent type of volcanic eruption known as a Peléan eruption.

You have many hikking options, depending on your previous experience. The path starting at L'Aileron is the most commonly used (4h - 600 m change in altitude - 5 km); Then you have the path starting at Grande Savane (2h - 470 m change in altitude - 1.5 km); Or the one starting at Beauséjour (4h30 - 1,170 m change in altitude - 7.6 km); and the path starting at Désiles (4h30 - 1,220 m change in altitude - 8 km).

How to visit:
Check the forecast the morning of your hike, and be prepared for a sporadic Caribbean shower. Begin as early as possible, as clouds descend on all four main trails in the afternoon. Don't forget to bring water, a hat, rain gear and a jumper!! You're in the Caribe, the weather is unpredictable ahah.
If you don't want to go alone... Check this out:

Happy journeys in Martinique!

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