Raimbow Mountain - Peru

by - abril 04, 2020

Peru has one of the most breath taking landscapes: a hight elevation with a lot of colors. This has many names... Raimbow mountain,  Vinicunca Mountain, Winikunka, Montaña de Siete Colores and Montaña de Colores. Do you know it only became a popular tourist atraction in 2016/2016? There are ones in China too, but this ones have so much more things to see in the surroundings! You can go there from Cusco in a 2/3 hour drive (another great place to visit in Peru, I'm sure you heard of it ahah).

The reason we see the rainbow coloration in the stratigraphic layers is largely due to weathering and mineralogy. The mountain is striped with colors ranging from turquoise to lavender to maroon and gold, and the local area is rich in geology, from uplifted granitic cliffs to glaciers which have eroded large valleys and the cretaceous limestone "forest" nearby. The mountain is also considered to be holy and believed to be the deity of Cusco by local Peruvians. It is a site of daily worship and offerings by local citizens.

How to visit:
The best time to visit Rainbow Mountain is during the dry season which is March to November (when you can have good weather). Regardless of what time of year you visit make sure to check the weather outlook, because you don't want to go there to be all wet in rain, right? But if you can manage good weather with off season, then you will only be with like 500 people instead of 5000. Plus, this is a hight mountain so I would suggest not attempt Rainbow Mountain until you have given yourself a few days to acclimatize and get used to the elevation in Cusco (and be sure to have a good fitness and cardio level ahah cause you will need that skills!!). If you prefer, there are some guides that allow the turists to climb on horses, but I would not do that since you don't know how they treat the horses. And bring sunscreen and a hat!

On the internet everyone says is better to take a tour than to go your own, since the tour guides take you to the nearest point of the mountain. Here you have a tour that departs in early morning, a good choice to avoid tourists and to have your perfect picture!

Happy journeys in Peru!

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