Lucky Bay - Australia

by - abril 04, 2020

Of course my first post about Australia needs to be about Kangaroos ahah!
Located with the Cape Le Grand National Park, Lucky Bay is rated one of the country's best beaches for its pure white sand, clear turquoise water and perfect swimming conditions stretching for 5 km. So beautiful is Lucky Bay that even the kangaroos laze on the beach. Yes! You can actually hang out with this beautiful animals here and that's why it's on my bucket list.

This beautiful beach got it's name because of the cartographer Matthew Flinders. He landed ashore the beach during a rough storm, and realised how many islands and rocks he had narrowly missed on his journey through the Recherche Archipelago. And thus it became Lucky Bay in honour of his seafaring fortune! 

How to visit:
You can rent a car and drive from Esperance (it's a 40 min/1hour drive). Once you enter the National Park you will have to pay $15 entry fee per vehicle (unless camping). Then is more 16 km to the lucky bay. The caravan and camp grounds in the national park offer picnic areas, solar-heated showers and toilets, ideal for spending a night or two under a star-filled sky and strolling along the moonlit bay (so I would toootaly camp here!)

Your best chance to see the kangaroos are dusk and dawn. Kangaroos are nocturnal animals which means they are most active in the dark and the hours either side of the night. This means visiting earlier or later in the day. Depending on what will you choose, you can go the rest of the day to explore Cape Le Grand National Park. Don’t expect to see them throughout the day, they’ll avoid the harsh sunlight in favour of a nap, or might just need a nap somewhere in the bush.
I really would suggest you to have a safe space from the animals. Don't forget they are wild animals and can easily be scared (and you're in their territoire!!) So, you can enjoy their company from a little further, and still have good pictures with them, don't worry! Maybe you'll find some ones swimming in the ocean, they are not professional swimmers but everything is needed to avoid the Australian heat ahah.

Here you have some links with different kinds of tours (be aware Australia is not a cheap country... the tours obviosly are expensive compared to other parts of the world):
A 6-day tour envolving Lucky Bay:

Happy journeys in Australia!

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