Marble Caves - Chile

by - abril 03, 2020

Ok, maybe this is in the top 10 of my bucketlist, and maybe on my top 3 photography spots in the world. Marble Caves are a 6,000-year-old sculpture hewn by the crashing waves of Lake General Carrera of Patagonia in Southern Chile. 

They are located in 30 minutes boat trip from Rio Tranquilo, in Patagonia's border to Argentina, and they are a spectacular system of pure marble tunnels perched just above the azure waters of this glacial lake. The swirling pattern on the cave interiors is a reflection of the lake’s azure waters, which change depending on the water levels dictated by weather and season.

How to visit:
When road tripping Chile from north to south, there's a big chance that you will either want to cross borders to Argentina in Chile Chico (when traveling by car) or in Villa O'Higgins (when traveling by public transport or on a bike), and the good news is that Puerto Rio Tranquilo is on the way. You can always go on tours from other big chilean cities like Coyhaique but that would take hours and you would only see that, so, why not start in one point and finish in another?
When you arrive in Puerto Rio Tranquilo, you will immediately see several travel agencies offering boat tours of the Marble Caves for 10,000 CLP ($15 USD) per person. If you prefer, it is also possible to rent a kayak and paddle to the Marble Caves for about 35,000 CLP ($50 USD). I would totally go for this private option cause I would be more comfortable taking time to apreciate the trip and to take pictures.
The best time to visit them? Well, it depends of what do you want to see: In early spring, the shallow waters are turquoise and create a crystalline shimmer against the caves’ swirling walls. In summer, the water levels increase and create a deep blue hue which gives the cave a unique unearthly shade.

Well here is a link for you, with multi days tours that combine the Marble Caves:

Happy journeys in Chile!

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