The Bajau tribe - Borneo (Malaysia)

by - abril 01, 2020

Ok, here is an unforgettable, but really almost impossible and a little dangerous experience. 
The Bajau (or Sea Gypsies) are a semi Nomadic ethnic group who live in the Pacific Ocean regions around Southern Philippines, Indonesia and Coastal Borneo. Originating from Mindanao in Southern Philippines the Bajau have taken refuge on the seas around Sulawesi, Indonesia and the islands of the coast of Borneo. 

They live entirely of the ocean, and they developed their lungs over the centuries that allows them to be more time on the water, to do their special type of "fishing" with a harpoon.
They are a small group, having probably 2000 or 3000 people and the children often learn how to swim before they learn how to walk. 

Well, one day my goal is to find them and to learn their fishing abilities. The problem is: not many tourists go here, they often are just looking for the corals to do snorkeling, and there's no good spending the night on that part of the land, since there are "pirates" and some terrorist groups that usually kidnap tourists and then ask for a big ransom. But I investigated on the internet and found some people who could actually meet them! I have to warn you that I'm a woman and I would never go there alone. It's like Papua New Guinea, because of the cultural differences is always better to go with a man you trust.

So, how could they visit them?
The information that I have is that you need to go to Semporna and go to a dock. If you're lucky you'll find someone that can speak english, then you tell them what do you want (they'll probably think it's to go snorkeling and will ask you huge amount of money to bring you there, don't accept). After a long research maybe you can find someone from the tribe that can introduce you to them. Please keep in mind that, of corse, they expect a tip for they time with them. You have many villages, the more open minded to go with is the Tatagan. But I suggest you to explore every one 

If you're looking for an excursion, well... They are rare! But you can find some information here :)

Happy journeys in Borneo!

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