Tsingy Forest - Madagascar

by - abril 07, 2020


This beautiful vertical limestone forest is located in Tsingy National park, in the western coast of the island. The whole protected area, designated a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO in 1990, comprises a surface of 1.575 km². This remote area was not a tourist trek until 1998, when the southern part (723 km²) was declared a National Park. 

The northern section is an Integral Reserve so tourists are not allowed to enter the zone. The reserve’s canyons, gorges, undisturbed forests, lakes and mangrove swamps display an astonishing richness of fauna and flora which have not been completely recorded. The rate of endemism is about 85%, and 47% are even local endemic!
The good news is that, even for this part of the world, the park is well taken cared of and the climbing trails and tracks are intact, you you'll be safe there even with all the heights stuff. 

How to visit:
From Antananarivo (the country's capital), you have to get ot a town called Morondava. You can go by shared local taxi that you find many times a day, or you can book a seat with Cotisse Transport (more expensive, is like a mini van transport). The ticket cost would be 12 dollars, and the journey takes like 14 hours.
If you want to go on your own way, you have to hire a 4x4 car to go there, since is no public transport, or you simply can book a tour.

Here is a link for you, but I have to say, the tours are damn expensive!

Happy journeys in Madagascar!

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