Dallol - Ethiopia

by - abril 07, 2020

Welcome to the hottest place on earth! Ethiopia is one of the most underrating destinations with the most unique views, for sure.  It is also one of the lowest places on the planet, and there is no rain for most of the year.

In northern Ethiopia lies a vast, tortured, desert plain called the Danakil Depression. Danakil lies about 125 m below sea level, and is one of the hottest and most inhospitable places on Earth— temperatures average 34.5 Celsius but have been recorded above 50º! You can find there numerous sulfur springs, active volcanoes, geysers, acidic pools, vast salt pans, and colorful mineral-laden lakes dot the area, which formed above the divergence of three tectonic plates. Volcanic activity heats spring water, bringing sulfur and iron to the surface, leaving behind yellow, green, and orange deposits. For centuries, locals have been trekking in with camel caravans to mine the salt by hand, and in recent years, a few have been guiding tourists into the alien-looking and deadly landscape. Did you know you actually can see a living lava lake in the crater of Erta Ale? Almost as crazy as that gate's of hell place from Turkmenistam.

How to visit:
You're in a volcanic and sulfur area, I hightly reccomend you go with someone that knows the place. You can check the tours in the internet before you go or just ask there while you're in town, there are plenty of tours to go here since it's a boom in the local economy.
For a guided tour:

Happy journeys in Ethiopia!

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