Chocolate Hills - Philiphines

by - maio 05, 2020

You know I'm more of an "ocean" person than a mountain person, but this view is just breathtaking. The chocolate hills can be found in the Bohol island (Philiphines). This hills of a generally conical and almost symmetrical shape are covered with a grass that turn to chocolate brown during the dry season. From the height they look like chocolate truffles. There are from 1,260 to 1,776 hills spread over an area of more than 50 square kilometers, and they are not very high.

There are no consence on the history of this geological formations. One people say they were formed ages ago by the uplift of coral deposits and the action of rain water and erosion, others say that the grassy hills were once coral reefs that erupted from the sea in a massive geologic shift and wind and water put on the finishing touches over hundreds of thousands of years, and according to others, the hills are the remains of volcanic activity covered with limestone. Well, who knows! I like more the legend of the place: it talks about a giant named Arogo who was extremely powerful and youthful. He fell in love with Aloya, who was a simple mortal. Aloya’s death caused Arogo much pain and misery, and in his sorrow he could not stop crying, and his tears formed the Chocolate Hills.

How to visit:
You can see it by 2 view platforms. My bet is the Sagbayan Peak, a more remote place with less tourists, but you have one near the town, called Chocolate Hills Complex is located on one of the hills (not quite sure it's open thought).
You can start your journey in the Tagbilaran city, Tubigon city or Alona Beach in Panglao, and then go to the hills town by bus (or rent a vehicle).
The nearest city of the hills is Carmen, and you can do your visit in probably 1h30/2h.

If you prefer not to go your own, you can always do a tour:

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