Iskanderkul Lake - Tajikistan

by - maio 04, 2020

Probably other country in central asia you've never heard of... One thing I tell you fore sure, this places that don't have people/tourists are always better than Bali and other like it! Cause you see the authenticity in every corner. Tajikistan is 97% mountainous, and has the highest water reserves in Central Asian countries with more than 1,000 rivers, 2,000 lakes and scores of glaciers.

Situated in the Fann mountains (located only 130 km away from Dushanbe), this triangular lake is connected to Alexander the Great through a number of legends. In fact, ‘Iskander’ is the Persian pronunciation of Alexander, however it has never been proved whether the famous commander did ever visit this beautiful lake or not. Surrounded by mountains and with an important nature reserve nearby, Iskanderkul is a great spot for hiking, wild camping and swimming, with several pebbly beaches along its shores. 

Now... some legends about this place, cause, you'll be visiting it not only for the natural beauty, but also for it's history: 
According to one of them, during the campaign against Sogdiana and Bactria, Alexander the Great faced resistance in one of the mountain villages, they didn’t want to obey to the great leader. Alexander then ordered to change the flow of the river in order to drown the disobedient; this is how Iskanderkul Lake appeared.
According to another legend, during his conquests, Alexander the Great decided to halt on the shores of the lake, and his favorite horse Bucephalus got cold after drinking ice cold water of Iskanderkul Lake. When the horse was back in shape again, it jumped to the lake from a high cliff. Alexander waited few days, then left his stablemen by the lake, and drew his army away. Since then, during the moonlight, they say you can see a snow-white horse that comes out of water to graze by the lake.

How to visit:

Today there are a couple of guesthouses you can stay in right by the lake, and there are lots of fun activities in close proximity. And try to visit Sarytag village too, that's nearby. In Iskanderkul, besides the lake, you have the Iskanderkul waterfall, the snake lake and the five springs. 

You also have many choices with tours in a day trip from Dushanbe, or even from other places of the country:

 Happy journeys in Tajikistan!

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