Band-e Amir National Park - Afghanistan

by - setembro 04, 2020

Band-e Amir National Park is located in the Bamyan Province of central Afghanistan It is a series of 6 deep crystal amazing and unique blue lakes separated by natural dams made of travertine, a mineral deposit. The geology here is one of a kind, and that's why is so worthy to visit.The lakes are situated in the Hindu Kush mountains at approximately 3000 m of elevation, west of the famous Buddhas of Bamiyan.

Even after over four decades of fighting, Afghanistan with the help of USAID and the Wildlife Conservation Society pushed forward with the efforts to make Band e Amir Afghanistan’s first national park in 2009.
Much like other sites in Afghanistan, there’s a story behind the creation of the lakes. Band e Amir translates out to the Commander’s (Amir’s) Dam in Dari, the commander in reference is Ali, the 4th Caliph of Islam. Ali, the son-in-law, and cousin of Mohammed performed a series of miracles to free a local family, resulting in the creation of the six lakes. Ali camouflaged himself as a slave that the father of the family then traded with the king in exchange for the release of his family– avowing that Ali could perform miracles.
Ali’s first task? To stop the flow of a river that raged through the mighty Hindu Kush. This was no small task– it involved his trusty sword named Zulfiqar (and subsequently the name of the largest lake, and also the destroyer of the dragon that tormented the Bamyan residents in another story), a little paneer (paneer is cheese in Dari), some boulders and a little elbow grease… and voila! The 6 lakes of Band e Amir were formed.

How to visit:

Very remote and desolate, they are most easily visited from Bamiyan. Shared minivans leave in the high season on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning and cost 150 Af. Otherwise take a minivan towards Yakawlang (200 Af) and get off at the turn-off to the lakes. From there it's a 3 hour hot walk.
Private hire minivans are also available (3 hours) and should cost 2000-2500 Af, but you will have to bargain very hard for this price. You could also negotiate an overnight stay into the price for a little extra. Don't be shy to ask them to stop for pics en route to the lakes, the scenery is stunning.
All services at the lakes close up around mid-November and reopen around March.
Land mines used to be prevalent around this area, especially along the road that leads in from Bamiyan. Most have been cleared, but to be safe anway, stick to well-worn paths, and don't stray more than a couple of feet from the main access road.

It would be an awesome experience to camp here in my opinion. You have 1 public toilet, and also a hotel nearby if you prefer some comfort. 

If you want to check some private and local tours:

Happy journeys in Afghanistan!

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