deRaiz - Cosmetics eco store

by - setembro 05, 2020

Today I'm going to present you some higiene and make up products that I use for camping and travel, always eco friendly and sustainable. So, let's start with deRaiz, a Portugue shop, where you can buy all kind of this products, from solid shampoo to natural facial creams. Let me show you some:
They have a personal brand that sells handicrafts to use at home, like handmade soap dishes and cleaning cloths, made in Portugal, so if you're portuguese like me, you are helping the economy by buying national products.

They also sell a vast type of eco make up from other brands,  usually with an eco package, 100% vegan, healthy for our skin/every type of skin and animal cruelty free. I also love their shampoo bars and soap, because they always have a great last longing smell and the package is made with a biodegradable plastic made with sugar cane. 

But I have to tell that my absolutely favorite product they have, and the one I use most while Wildcamping (no showers) is the make up remover of Greensense. Totally eco package, and it takes out even the waterproof rimel and eyeliner that we need for lakes and stuff like that. I usually use it with their reusable handcraft wipe that they have of their personal brand. 

If you're planning a nature trip and want to be 100% eco friendly while in the nature, make sure to go to their website and see what fits better for you :) And don't forget to follow their Instagram too!!


Behance Gallery with my photography work for the brand: 

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