Las coloradas - Yucatan, Mexico

by - outubro 28, 2020

If you're heading to Mexico and are in a hunger for a pink salty instagrammable lake, this is your best option. In the small village of Rio Lagartos, the pink lakes of a salt factory attract tourists from all around the world!!
Its lakes are actually salt flats from the nearby salt extraction plant. The algae in the water, coupled with the sun and extraction process, turn the waters bright pink. Its colors are reportedly best in July-August and March, due to the 6-month evaporation process.
Just a little reminder: you actually cannot swim there anymore. Technically, the salt flats are private property, so you definitely need to respect the rules. There are security guards on motorcycles patrolling the area, and even some guys offering tours, but they were all friendly. A warning: the salt flats themselves are an industrial area. You’ll be able to get photos of the pink sand beach and rose-colored water, but you might have to position yourself to avoid some power lines and trash! (Yes, really.)

How to visit:
The amazing pink lakes of Las Coloradas are located off the beaten track a bit. Getting here requires a 3-hour drive from Cancun or Playa del Carmen — 2 hours from Valladolid. There is a local bus from Cancun to Rio Lagartos, but because of different stops/changes, the trip can take 7 hours. Renting a car like we did is much easier!
You also can stay in the this area and discover more. Rio Lagartos is the largest town that is near to this area. In here you can find several hotels, restaurants and tour options for more exploration. One tour that you can take leaves from Rio Lagartos and goes to see the flamingos. You can read more about doing this tour and visiting Rio Lagartos in our article here. There is also a charming town of  San Felipe. This is a small fishing village with colorful wood houses and a nice promenade to walk on. Here you can see fisherman hard at work and even find a few local seafood restaurants.
On a boat tour, you can see Las Coloradas from the waters of the Ria Lagartos Biosphere Preserve. But the best views of the water are from the other side, by the salt extraction plant. 

Search here for a tour:
Happy journeys in Mexico!

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