Skydiving in Alentejo (Portugal) with Queda Livre

by - outubro 31, 2020

So, today I'm going to tell you all about my craziest adventure of all... I JUST DID A 5000m TANDEM JUMP!! Yes... I jumped out of a plane!!

Many times I wondered how it would feel like. The ultimate freedom, the ultimate fly. And I'm so glad I did it. I wanted to do stuff that scares me because I want to do a diving course and there you cannot have panic or you die, so I'm practicing my panic: I'm afraid of fire but I touched in a match, and now I did this.

First of all, I made sure to pick a good company, because, althought I know it's safe, you never know. That led me to Queda Livre, the skydiving school. I could not have made a better choice: in all the flight process, they were comprehensible and always taking care of me and my safety. They are located in one of the best places of Portugal, Alentejo, so the view up there was amazing - fields, little lakes, and I even could spot the mountains of Algarve and of Setubal.

I cannot express my joy in words, so I have a video for you... The 9 stages of skydiving ahah!! Enjoy :)



Behance Gallery with my photography work for the brand: 

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