Al Thakira Mangroves Forest - Qatar

by - abril 10, 2020

In the desert life, many species needed to fight for their place in the world, and this is just one more example of this beautiful thing called evolution.

A large area of vegetation attracting varied bird life, including flamingos and herons, Al Thakira mangroves, can be found just north of the seaside city of Al Khor, and present a large expanse of natural greenery in sharp contrast to the surrounding desert landscape. Did you know it was found here a new specie of sea slug?

A great way to explore the mangroves is by kayak, available from several tour operators and specialist companies. All of these can be booked in advance, and many companies offer both morning and afternoon trips. Al Khor is also notable for its fishing communities and is a good spot to arrange a day trip out on the ocean.

How to visit:
If you go on your own: Al Thakira Mangrove is located in the Al Thakira area, accessed by following Al Khor- Al Thakira Road until the last roundabout, then turning left (to the supermarket area) and left again to follow a road leading to the off road track. A few hundred meters later, you will arrive at the mangrove area. The off road track is smooth enough for sedans to make it through to the mangroves waterfront. 
To protect the ecossistem, it's advised not to walk through the mangrove forest. It is a safer option to wade along the coastline, along the tidal line demarketing the outer limits of the mangrove forest.

Here is one example of a kayak tour to discover this amazing place if the tide permits it:

Happy journeys in Qatar!

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